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Florida has a thriving equine industry that plays a significant role in the state’s economy. However, despite its many advantages, those in the industry face several potential legal risks. Owners, breeders, event hosts, trainers, and others may be held liable for a variety of issues. Fortunately, those in the equine industry can take steps to protect themselves from equine liability. In this article, we discuss how horse owners, breeders, and others in the equine industry can reduce their liability risks. 

Risk Reduction for Breeders, Owners, Trainers, and Instructors

As a breeder, owner, trainer, or instructor, the following steps can help reduce your risk of liability: 

  • Purchase an equine liability insurance policy: This type of policy provides coverage for several potential liabilities, including bodily injury and damaged property. 
  • Check to see if your current insurance policy includes care, custody, and control coverage: This type of insurance coverage protects you if your horse causes damage or becomes injured while under your care—even if you aren’t directly responsible for the incident that caused the damage. In addition, it is important to review the exclusions in your policy to ensure that you are aware of any situations that aren’t covered by your policy. 
  • Ensure that your horse is properly trained: Finally, ensuring that your horse has been trained and keeping records of such training can reduce the likelihood of an incident and be used as a defense should you find yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit.

Risk Reduction for Horse Boarding Facilities  

Facilities that board horses should also consider purchasing liability insurance to protect against the risk of mishaps on the property. In addition, horse boarding facilities should post warning signs if they are open to the public or board potentially dangerous animals. 

The Equine Immunity Act 

In addition to the issues discussed above, equine liability in Florida is addressed by the Equine Immunity Act. This law defines the scope of liability that parties may face for certain equine activities. In addition, the act requires that every equine professional and equine activity sponsor post a warning sign or provide a written document to participants that contains specific language. This language informs equine participants that an equine professional or sponsor isn’t liable for the injury or death of a participant that results from the risks that are inherent in equine activities. 

The Bottom Line

When it comes to equine liability, the only way to ensure that you are fully protected is to seek the assistance of an experienced Wellington equine law attorney. An experienced attorney can help you take steps to reduce the risks that accompany participation in the equine industry.  

Contact a Wellington Equine Law Lawyer 

If you are involved in the equine industry in the state of Florida, you need an experienced equine law lawyer in your corner. The experienced Wellington equine law attorney at Gueronniere, P.A. will provide you with guidance on how to reduce risks to you and your business. Please contact us as soon as possible to arrange a consultation with an experienced equine law lawyer.