Whether moving horses within the state of Florida, or moving horses into Florida from another state, it is important to abide by Florida’s laws. In this article, we examine the laws and requirements for horse transport in Florida, as well as some related laws.
Transport within FloridaAnnual Compliance for Corporations and LLCs
Corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs) offer many benefits to business owners. However, in exchange for these benefits, corporations and LLCs must adhere to a myriad of legal requirements. One such requirement deals with annual compliance. Specifically, corporations and LLCs in the state of Florida must submit an annual report each year...
What Makes a Verbal Contract Legally Binding?
In the old days, a person’s word and a simple handshake were the most common ways of conducting business. And although the majority of business owners use written contracts today when conducting business, verbal contracts are still enforceable under Florida law. However, verbal contracts can be difficult to prove in court, so...
Things to Know Before Buying and Selling Horses at Auction
Horse auctions are a great option for both buyers and sellers. However, if you are interested in buying or selling horses at auction, there are several things you should know. By fully informing yourself prior to your auction, you can help ensure that your experience is smooth and beneficial to all involved...
Bankruptcy and Your Horse: What Equestrian Assets are Exempt?
The decision to file for bankruptcy is not easy. However, for many people, bankruptcy is ultimately the best option. There are many benefits to filing for bankruptcy, the primary one being a clean financial slate. However, there are also downsides to filing for bankruptcy, including the possibility of losing some of your...
Top Mistakes to Avoid When Filing Business Formation Paperwork
There are many advantages to incorporating your business, including liability protection, legal separation between you and your business, and more. Therefore, incorporation is generally recommended for most businesses. And although incorporating your business can help you avoid many problems, filing your business formation paperwork incorrectly can create new ones. Fortunately, by...
Equine Liability: Reducing Risks for Horse Owners, Breeders, and More
Florida has a thriving equine industry that plays a significant role in the state’s economy. However, despite its many advantages, those in the industry face several potential legal risks. Owners, breeders, event hosts, trainers, and others may be held liable for a variety of issues. Fortunately, those in the equine industry can...
Understanding Shareholder Rights and Owner Liabilities
Public companies typically raise money by selling shares to investors. A shareholder is an individual or entity that has an ownership interest in a company. And although shareholders don’t typically engage in the day-to-day operations of the organization, they do have some rights and obligations. In this article, we examine shareholder right...
Equine Competition Sponsorships: How an Equine Law Attorney Can Help
If you are a serious equine competitor, it may benefit you to obtain a sponsorship. In the equine industry, competitors and companies both benefit from sponsorships. From the company’s viewpoint, sponsoring an equestrian athlete can mean increased exposure and goodwill. For the sponsored party, benefits may include increased credibility, free gear, and...
Terminating Commercial Contracts Without Triggering Penalties
Commercial contracts bind two or more parties to the terms of the agreement. However, for a variety of reasons, parties sometimes seek to terminate such contracts early. A party who terminates a commercial contract early often faces penalties. However, depending on the situation, it may be possible to terminate a commercial...